
Friday, April 24, 2009

Jeffrey=Mother Bird

So here is a new story that you will either find really sad or really great. I guess it just depends on what kind of person you are.

At Allied Steel we have many trailers that we either own or rent to ship all of our material to our job sites. (See Picture)

At one particular job site, we have had three trailers that have been sitting there since January with our material on it. We try not having trailers sitting at a job site for too long but in this case we were forced to have these trailers in Winchester, California. Just yesterday we finally were able to use this material and send two of these trailers back to our shop in Los Angeles.

My brother Jeff was walking by these trailers at our shop in Los Angeles and heard a noise coming form them. He started to look around where this noise was coming from and realized that the noise he was hearing were four baby birds that were all in a nest that was tucked away in a discrete area on this trailer. Some how these birds were able to miraculously stay in there nest the entire 95 mile drive. Now at our shop in Los Angeles we have a ton of ferrel cats that roam around and Jeff knew that these birds would be killed the first night and there was no way we could drive this trailer back to the job site and just hope that the birds mother would find them so Jeff decided to take them home.

Now here is where it is sad. Somewhere in Winchester, CA there is a poor mother bird who is searching for her nest and four kids. I actually feel really bad about that. Another sad thing is that we are now trying to do what we can to make sure that these birds survive until they can fly away. The best chance these birds have at survival is their real mother. Jeff and his family will do their best to nurture these chicks.

On the other hand this is a great story because my brother Jeff has now become this kind of savior to animals. He is always trying to help stray and defenseless animals.

Today my sister-in-law brought the birds to work and this video is of me feeding my brother's babies.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

For Kelly and Rebekah, Sorry I was Busy

I just want to let everyone know that I really miss my beard

Monday, April 6, 2009

Connor Chapman

So all I have to say about this post is that my nephew is hard core!

You should have seen the other guy.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools

Well it was kind of out of obligation and for that I am sorry. I am not sure how many people actually fell for yesterdays post and how many people were just humoring me by saying "Congratulations". Well, my wife and I did not buy a house. It was a lie and quite frankly, not my best. I will try to do better next year.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well after over two years of living in Anaheim and saving up money, Jennifer and I were finally able to make an offer on a home!!! We made the offer three weeks ago and we found out yesterday that it was accpted. I guess it takes longer for bank owned properties to accept an offer so it was a really long three weeks.

Anyways we are going to miss Anaheim, but we won't be very far. This is in Orange so we are still really close to family and friends. All we have to do now is wait for escrow. Wish us luck.