
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fools

So I think that everyone should know that I had a great time yesterday with my April Fools joke to everyone. I am actually quite surprised that more people fell for it than those who called me out on it. Now a little story about the blog. I decided to write this at the end of my work day and then sent out the text to everyone to check it out. Jennifer knew nothing about this blog and I asked her to read it immediately so people wouldn't be calling her and congratulating her about the news she knew nothing about. She thought this joke was totally lame and she was kinda mad I did it. Eventually she really liked it after hearing many of your messages. Apparently Erin and Adam think that everyone will be totally mad at me and Skyler and Elise were not amused at all. So to you I am sorry for your lack of a sense of humor.

So to officially clear things up we are not pregnant, but I am sure that God with his awesome sense of humor might punish me for this April Fools joke. Not that becoming a parent would be a punishment, well I think you all know what I mean.

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