
Friday, June 6, 2008


By popular demand (Kelly) I have began blogging agian after a two week hiates. I would like to personally appologize to my audiance for this absence.

Let me introduce you to the Lord of the Flies, but first an explanation. Back in High School I did the bare minimum in order to get my diploma and finish high school. I really do regret that decision. I wish I would have applied myself in high school and done the things that I should have done, but that time is gone now so there is very little I can do about that. One of the things that I can do though is this. I am going back and reading the books that I should have read in high school but did not. I started off with Lord of the Flies.

Now I saw Lord of the Flies when I was young and it scared me to death. I think that the idea of little children my age being stranded on an island killing eachother was a frightening thing for a kid. I always had this evil feeling about the movie and thought that the book would be the same. Well now that I have matured I can see that this book is actually quite brilliant. The way I view this is the struggle of power between two leaders, Ralph and Jack. Ralph is the orderly guy that is very structured and Jack just wants to have fun. I enjoyed the struggle between these two and found it very believable.

I should finish my next book tonight and will talk more about that later. Meanwhile has anyone heard of the Twilight series? Everything that I have heard about it makes me think that it is a chick book, but I do like vampires.

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