
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quick Update

I found out Monday night that the results of Heather's MRI she had over the weekend showed not just 4 tumors in her brain but 10. Apparently there are 4 large ones and 6 small ones. One of the large tumors is situated either on or up against her brain stem which is causing her nausea and vomiting.

As you can imagine this is heartbreaking news for us all but regardless, Heather and Scott want to fight this. This Friday two of the top neurosurgeons in the world will be operating on Heather and removing the one tumor situated on her brain stem. Radiation should take care of the 6 small tumors. I really don't know what will happen with the remaining 3. Scott and Heather do not want to give up and I am supporting them 100%.

This Friday many of us will be fasting and praying for them and for the success of the surgery. I understand if you cannot do so or if this is not a part of your faith, but if you are able to take part in some way by praying, fasting, thinking about them, or what ever, I know we all would appreciate it. I know a lot of people are asking what they can do to help in this almost helpless situation, and this is the first thing that I could think of where people actually can do something.

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped out in any way possible. All of your prayers are felt and appreciated.

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