
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Night at Disneyland

So Jen and I went to Disneyland last night and had a great time. It was crowded as you could expect for Spring Break so all we did was the Jungle Cruise and the Haunted Mansion. I usually like the Jungle Cruise because the tour guide is sometimes kinda funny but Kelly (our tour guide) was barely verging entertaining. After the Jungle Cruise we strolled on over to the Haunted Mansion. Now here is one of the things that I can say that Jen and I agree on, and might I say we both came to this conclusion last night. The Haunted Mansion is way better now than it is during the Nightmare Before Christmas theme. I love me some Jack Skellington and the whole movie but going through the Mansion now compared to the Halloween and Christmas months in night and day. I think that you should all agree with me.

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Day at Allied Steel

Don't worry, I figured it out.

And when things need to be moved, I am the man for the job.

Wasted Time

Have you ever written an entire blog and thought that this is terrible and shouldn't be posted so you erased it all? It just happened to me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Joseph Smith

Ok so I just got an email from my sister-in-law Heather and in this email is this picture of what someone claims to be Joseph Smith. I don't really know whether or not this is actually Joseph Smith or not but I am going to say probably not. Todays Internet fad of forwarding on everything even if it is not true really bugs me. Heather forwarded this on to see what others thought of it rather than to say, "Hey everyone look, a picture of Joseph Smith!!!" so I say thank you to you Heather. So I will research it later but for now here is the email that she sent along with the picture. I also attached a commonly used painting of Joseph so you can compare. Please tell me what you think.

Check this picture out. It has just been released by the RLDS church as
being an authentic picture of the prophet Joseph Smith. President Rand
Packer was sent another picture of him that was just found in Nauvoo. He
cant release it yet till the church works out the copyright on it but he can
show it. Jim and I are going over to his house to see it later on today. He
said it took his breath away when he saw this new one for the first time.
By the way, they think this photo was taken shortly after he escaped from
Liberty jail.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Emm Jay

So XM Radio has this month a channel solely dedicated to Michael Jackson (XM Thriller) due to his 25th anniversery of Thriller coming out. I couldn't be more excited well that is until I figured out by listening that not everything that Michael Jackson crapped was gold. Well granted I have said for a long time that I love and am a huge fan of Michael Jackson pre-Black & White album. After that album pretty much everything blew. I was however so disappointed to hear how crappy a lot of his music was as I tried to listen to XM Thriller. I mean he was a huge idol of mine and I never want to say anything that would hurt him unless it did have to do with his child molestation crap. I mean come on, who can back him on that? Musically though Pre-Black & White I thought he was a genius. Just think of all of his greats. I have found that for every "Great" song he made he probably had 3 bad ones. I just feel really confuesed now.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


OK so I made a big mistake that I would like to publicly apologize to my wife for. Before we were married I would give her massages all the time partly because I was wooing her and partly because I actually liked giving them. I really did like giving her massages I promise.

Well here is the mistake. When we were engaged I would tell her that I couldn't wait to be married so that I could give her massages all the time. I think my actual words were "I will give you a massage every night". I know this was dumb but I said it and I am sorry. Well Last night Jennifer asked me for a massage and I told her that I wasn't feeling up to giving her a massage. Of coarse every time I decline a massage she has to bring up the fact that before we were married I said that I would massage her everyday of our marriage. Jennifer I am sorry and I realize that I should have never said that. And may this be a lesson to you all, never make promises like that. It will never come true, you will never be able to keep it.

Jennifer, I am sorry and I still love you even if I don't massage you every night.

Monday, March 10, 2008


So this weekend that just passed my brother Rhett and myself took ourselves a little road trip. We decided to venture up to Northern California to a place call Livermore so that we can visit our grandparents who are not doing too well with their health. Let me tell you about this trip.

First of all I hate Los Angeles traffic. We decided to leave at noon on Friday so that we could get out of LA before the freeways got too busy. Well that was a total bust. We spent two extra hours driving than we anticipated because of stupid LA traffic. The rest of the trip was stellar.

I wish I was better at taking pictures so I could give you a total account visually of what we did but I am not that mindful of breaking out the camera for every moment. I did though get out the camera when I got back and took a picture of my windshield. The next three pictures is why it would suck to be a bug in the California Grapevine. I wish that this camera would actually do justice to the great slaughter that happened on my windshield.