
Thursday, March 13, 2008


OK so I made a big mistake that I would like to publicly apologize to my wife for. Before we were married I would give her massages all the time partly because I was wooing her and partly because I actually liked giving them. I really did like giving her massages I promise.

Well here is the mistake. When we were engaged I would tell her that I couldn't wait to be married so that I could give her massages all the time. I think my actual words were "I will give you a massage every night". I know this was dumb but I said it and I am sorry. Well Last night Jennifer asked me for a massage and I told her that I wasn't feeling up to giving her a massage. Of coarse every time I decline a massage she has to bring up the fact that before we were married I said that I would massage her everyday of our marriage. Jennifer I am sorry and I realize that I should have never said that. And may this be a lesson to you all, never make promises like that. It will never come true, you will never be able to keep it.

Jennifer, I am sorry and I still love you even if I don't massage you every night.

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