
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Summer Fulfilled!

All summer long I have wanted to do one thing and that my friends was to ride a bike. I have always been a big fan of bike riding but haven't done it since August 2005. Last month, Mike and I went with our friends Alex and Charisse to Coronado Island in San Diego and this is where my summer dream was fulfilled. The late afternoon was perfect. The bike we took was right next to the bay so we could see all the sail boats and the sun setting. I had such an amazing time with Mike. Here are some pictures of our day.


It's not very often that I have the opportunity to grow out my beard because I shave every Sunday for church. During the month of August my wife and I went on several vacations which we were out of town during the weekends so I had a four week period where I was able to grow out my beard. I wish I would have gotten pictures of my beard in all its glory, but fortunately I do have pictures of the final week. It is a tradition of mine that after I do grow out my facial hair that when it comes time for me to shave I like to shave various facial cuts, trims, styles or what have you. The first picture is of me two years ago. I liked to call this picture "Living in Porn"

My most recent addition to the facial gallery are found in the following pictures, and you may agree that I had to dress the part for dramatic effects.

I hope you enjoyed.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Other Day

I was going to the bathroom at work and I saw some ants on the porcelain. I thought to myself, "that is a really strange place to see ants"! So when I finished my business I decided to wipe the ants into the toilet and flush them down, after all there were only a few of them. Later on that day I had to go to the bathroom again but this time let’s just say I was sitting. All of a sudden, and pardon for the graphic description, I felt a very sharp pinch on the back of my ball sack. I quickly turned over my balls to find a little ant franticly running on my balls and away from the bite site. Needless to say this ant needed to die for what he or she had done. I grabbed it and smooshed it in my fingers until I could not recognize it was an ant any longer. It deserved to die. No ant bites my balls and gets away with it.