
Wednesday, September 17, 2008


It's not very often that I have the opportunity to grow out my beard because I shave every Sunday for church. During the month of August my wife and I went on several vacations which we were out of town during the weekends so I had a four week period where I was able to grow out my beard. I wish I would have gotten pictures of my beard in all its glory, but fortunately I do have pictures of the final week. It is a tradition of mine that after I do grow out my facial hair that when it comes time for me to shave I like to shave various facial cuts, trims, styles or what have you. The first picture is of me two years ago. I liked to call this picture "Living in Porn"

My most recent addition to the facial gallery are found in the following pictures, and you may agree that I had to dress the part for dramatic effects.

I hope you enjoyed.

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