
Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Other Day

I was going to the bathroom at work and I saw some ants on the porcelain. I thought to myself, "that is a really strange place to see ants"! So when I finished my business I decided to wipe the ants into the toilet and flush them down, after all there were only a few of them. Later on that day I had to go to the bathroom again but this time let’s just say I was sitting. All of a sudden, and pardon for the graphic description, I felt a very sharp pinch on the back of my ball sack. I quickly turned over my balls to find a little ant franticly running on my balls and away from the bite site. Needless to say this ant needed to die for what he or she had done. I grabbed it and smooshed it in my fingers until I could not recognize it was an ant any longer. It deserved to die. No ant bites my balls and gets away with it.

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