
Friday, October 17, 2008

Allied Steel

Some people ask me from time to time what I do for a living so I thought I would expound on that. I work for my family's company called Allied Steel. My Dad has been working here for 30+ years and owns the company with his brother Perry, and my Grandfather owned this company before them. I really like what I do, well most of the time. Here are some pictures to show you what exactly we do.

Allied Steel has been in business for the past 60 years and we specialize in steel construction for water treatment plants and sanitation districts. We do the steel construction for all those places that make your water drinkable and those places that clean your used water.

We make handrail...

...and buildings.

Here are some of my employees installing a roof to a building.

Here is the same roof from below.

We also do grating.

We make stairs and ship ladders as well.

This is a cool plant in Rialto that turns human poop into fuel. This is an experimental plant that may or may not work. The project cost over $200 million. This is our building called the Dryer Structure which, well it's going to dry the poop. This is before all the equipment was put in.

...and after most of the equipment.

Now this is the part of my job that I hate. We also do work for Sanitation Districts. This is where my pet Mobey went after my friend Erin killed him. You also may have many pet fish that have gone here too after they have deceased. Other names for the Sanitation District are Wastewater Treatment Plant, Brown Trout Farm, Turd Farm, S%*@ Plant and so forth.

This building is called the Grit Building. FYI from this point on if you have a weak stomach you better skip the rest of these pictures.

Inside the grit building you find big machines that separate water from things.

These machines send surprises onto this conveyor belt.

I'll spare you of the kinds of surprises you can find on this conveyor belt. I have close up pictures of these surprises. Let's just say it smells like crap in the grit building. I have to go to places like this from time to time to measure the spaces where we will build things. In this particular room we are building a platform so people can walk on it and look into these machines that separate the water from the "things".

This is where the conveyor belt takes these little surprises.

Can you guess what are in these pictures?

That's no balloon!

These are everywhere.

Well that is what I do for a living. I hoped you enjoyed your virtual tour of Allied Steel. I really like my job but I do hate to go to the Turd Farm. Click Here for further learning tools about where your pet fishes go.

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