
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween 2008

I love Halloween. I really don't need to say very much more than that. I will say one thing about it though. I don't really like that "scary" is being taken out of Halloween. There are supposed to be vampires and warewolves and mummy's and other types of ghouls. I don't want to diss on others who don't do these things because there are some very funny and creative costumes that are going on out there.

Ok, enough of that rant. Let me tell you about last Saturday. I have been wanting to be dead for a while now and I got to do that on Saturday night for not One, not Three, but Two Halloween parties. I was just going to be a dead zombie but my friend Elise suggested that I be Edward Cullen which would have been really easy. I am already really good looking and my wife could have been a good Bella Swan. I did however decide to be a walking dead and here are some of the pictures of the night.

By the way I wish I had pictures of the earlier party and going to Corner Bakery (which was very funny by the way) but unfortunately we forgot our camera at home and had to get it later on in the night. I do have to say that I am extremely proud of my Brothers Chris and Jeff for their costumes, particularly Chris. Chantelle, my sister in law, made Chris a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man costume and it was awesome. My brother Jeff made an incredible lumberjack and my nieces and nephews were all great in their costumes as well.

So I wanted to be dead and after I finished my make up Jennifer felt bad because she didn't have a costume. All of a sudden she figured it out and we made her a knife. It was a very simple idea and quite frankly a brilliant one too. It only made sense. Jennifer likes this picture which shows her very lovingly killing me.

And I like this picture which shows a little more reality in her expression.

We were sad that our friends JD and Katie couldn't make it to our second Halloween Party. I guess they were just really tired.

Skyler was Ned Flanders...

...and Elise was a Cowgirl.

This was Jennifer's favorite picture for some reason. Just so you know that is a syringe from a nurse at the party.

And a very serious much thanks to our good friend Kristen Lawrence for hosting yet again another amazing Halloween party.

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