
Monday, September 26, 2011

Bombus - A Safe Passage

Last Saturday I spent the evening with some friends, the plan where a dinner and a visit at Debaser Slussen. The evening entertainment where Bombus, Spiders and Gordon Fights.

The evening began with a really nice dinner at Rival with a bunch of friends who wanted to celebrate this rocker. (Yes, I have become a year older.) With a good meal in the stomach and a few beers, we went down to Slussen to inhale the sweet tones of great music. First one was the Stockholm band Fights Gordon, who has previously made ​​a visit here on Tune Of The Day. They also had their release party for their debut album, but I did not see any records, had actually wanted purchase a copy, sounded really good live, although you could note that there where a gang of non experienced live musicians, they were incredibly talented but slightly rigid live. A fun little parenthesis was that one of the guitarists got nutspin on stage, and looked almost crazy on the end when he was headbanging and throwing the guitar around his neck.

Band number two on stage where Spiders, with a female pipe to the quite scaled down garage rock, performed their set really well, nice swing in the songs, had wished that her voice was clearer, disappeared at times into the porridge.

The clock was approaching midnight and now it was time for Bombus to get up on stage and they did with a bang, shit, this was heavy. Bombus känndes directly to the most experienced of the three bands that lirade and they lit the audience directly, enough for all bands in the evening had a good response, but you could feel the air that this was what everyone was waiting for. 'll Say it short, really fucking good.

A little fun was that I ran into lots of acquaintances, also bumped in to Tom Swiesciak and Jonte Royal, cool guys!

Tom who works as a freelance journalist, wrote a review for the magazine Gaff, read it here (in Swedish so use a translator)

Today, you get some pictures from the gig, would you to see more then check out Tune Of The Day on Facebook, where the there will be a great deal of pictures.

Gordon Fights


Today's Tune is the new Bombus single. Today, you will settle for an audio track, it is unfortunately not on Spotify and not on Youtube But what's the fuzz, you could always play this over and over again if you do not run out and buy yourself a copy, I would have done it, erm that i have already done:)


BOMBUS - A Safe Passage (MWR006) by Mourningwood Recordings

More info @

Official Bombus Web
Official Bombus Facebook

spotifyFollow on Spotify here!

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