
Friday, October 21, 2011

Britney Spears - Till The World Ends

It was Sunday night and Britney came into the arena...The Globe...In...Stockholm.

Yeap that was it :p

In the respect for artist Ill give you more :)
Britney had 23 full trucks with thingies on stage, for example this peacock
we had a discussion about it what it was, Stones thought it was a undercover penguin.

and sound, lights her own stage etc etc. Its kinda ehm weird some of the things that were huge, heavy and so on but they were only used like 3 minutes, especially this metall chair.

She had 2 supportband, one was Destinee and Paris...ahm...

My coworkers :D

A mic stand all in Bling Blings :D

Live Pictures

I was opening this video door in the middle with another guy, darn it was heavy, first time I opened it I came half way and the other guy had it all open :D ah it went well on the show at least. She had a lot of very experienced dancers with her, some of them was in the video im gonna play today.

The stage looked like something taken from Alien vs predators.

It was a more awake and active Britney that came to Stockholm than last time, and the show was quite good I heard from the fans.

Okey Folks here is Britney.

Peace, Thetania

More info @

Official Britney Spears Web

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