
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Supertramp - The Logical Song

Its Sunday and Classic time :D

Hello there again, Ive been away and not been able to do TOTD for some time.
What would be the best for me to do other than a classic :D

Ive choosen Supertramp. I bought this album in 1979 I think, it have been playd so much since then. The Logical Song was one of my highlights, really love the lyrics they maked me think; Hm am I doing right or wrong? What is my purpose? What are others purpose etc.

This album is Supertramps sixth album, Breakfast In America won the 1980 Grammy Award for Best Recording Package, beating out albums by Talking Heads and Led Zeppelin, among others. (I dont know if I totally agree on this cos Led Zepp is my gods)

On 21 April 2010 it was announced that Supertramp would give 35 concerts in late 2010. Dates were announced for concerts in Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Italy, France and other European countries. This tour called "70-10" was to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the group's first release. Roger Hodgson, who was not included in this tour, embarked on a solo 2010 tour to Australia, New Zealand, South America, Europe, Canada, and the US.

In 2011 both Hodgson and Supertramp continued to tour separately. When asked whether Roger Hodgson might appear on some of the 2011 dates Davies replied, “I know there are some fans out there who would like that to happen. There was a time when I had hoped for that too. But the recent past makes that impossible. In order to play a great show for our fans, you need harmony, both musically and personally. Unfortunately that doesn’t exist between us anymore and I would rather not destroy memories of more harmonious times between all of us.

So the future will see if they find the harmony on the personally side :D

Here is the website for Roger Hodgson
And here is Supertramps website.

Ah well folks, Here is Supertramp!

Peace, Thetania

spotifyListen to ”Supertramp - The Logical Song" on Spotify here!

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