
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Disturbed - Asylum

Last show on The Taste of Chaos!

This great band was ending this metal Chaos!
It was a bit of a tragedy cos the sound sucked big time!
I read in the newspaper a critic on em, and it wasent good.
But they got it all wrong. It was the sound tech that didnt do
their job right, the song mic was way to high and the instruments
were to low. Disaster in my ears.

Dispite that, it was a great concert!!
The video screens was very good placed and it maked a good impact.
They did their best!

I took some pics here as well.

I picked a single from their new album, Asylum and that is the
fifth studio album by Disturbed.
They have done 5 studio albums and 1 live album.
Disturbed began building Asylum as soon as they got off the road in the summer of 2009. Officially entering Groovemaster Studios in February 2010, the band set about self-producing the album, as they did with Indestructible. Draiman declares,
"This record shows a certain degree of maturation and enhanced complexity.
Asylum is still identifiably Disturbed, but the evolution is clear.
It preserves the elements of what we do but at a more advanced level."

"We took our signature foundation, and we tried to build on that," adds Donegan.
"For every album, we've pushed ourselves even more than in the past.
Asylum is no exception."

Ladys and Gents, Let me present Disturbed, Asylum!

Cheers, Thetania

Only Sound from their new single Asylum.

Live video of Asylum.

This is a video recording Asylum.

Wanna know more? Pls look at:

Listen to "Disturbed - Asylum" on Spotify
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