
Monday, November 22, 2010

Raised Fist - Wounds

Tomorrow U should be in Stockholm, Sweden and in Debaser, Medis.
Cos, Raised Fist will give u a gig there!!!

I just have to go!!

Last time i saw em, they were unbelievable.
Raised Fist is known as one of the scene's best and most energetic live bands and is now a household name for fans of hard music, period.

In 2009 they did an album called Veil of Ignorance, Produced by Daniel Bergstrand (In Flames, Meshuggah), who also teamed up with Raised Fist on their previous records, the Swedish heavyweights have delivered a 14 track wall of sound of sonic variety that showcases Raised Fist's musical maturity.

I had em b4 with the first track of this album.
Now I give u Wounds!

Peace Folks, Thetania

Wanna Know more pls go to

Listen to "Raised Fist - Wounds" on Spotify
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