
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pain - Have A Drink On Me

Today its Swedens best Rock radio station,
Bandit Rock Award Show

This group is one of the bands that plays.

The Swedish, Pain!
The project started out as a hobby project for front man Peter Tägtgren, whose idea was to fuse metal with 1980's-inspired electro-industrial and techno influences. Tägtgren, who is also the vocalist/guitarist of Hypocrisy and producer of his own The Abyss studios, is the only current member.

Peter did a comment on their home site (Click below) that their new Album is on the going so "You Only Live Twice" is set to be released June 3 (Europe) and June 21, 2011

The producer Peter Tägtgren says "I really wanted something "Nightmare Before Christmas" meets "Alice In Wonderland" kind of feeling but with our mascot, the painhead in it. And Heile created that after what i wanted. And he did it in his own way. It really has this kinda Tim Burton feel to it. It will be really crazy with a big backdrop.

Tonight We will see em at Bandit Rock Awards in Stockholm, Sweden.

Lets view an old song called "Have a drink on me"...


Cheers, Thetania

Wanna know more click Here!

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