
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Efforts to Designate Faculty Center as Historic Structure Continuing

CurbedLA reports that in the aftermath of the controversyover demolishing the UCLA Faculty Center for a hotel/conference center (nowproposed to be located elsewhere), the LA Conservancy is continuing efforts toprotect the building.  In part it isdoing so by holding events there – see below. In part it is trying to get a designation of the Faculty Center as anhistorical resource – also see below.  The photo shows tea on the opening day of the Faculty Center in 1959.

WESTWOOD: The LAConservancy's Modern Committee is giving out its third annual set of ModernMasters Awards tonight, to honor "Major contributors to SouthernCalifornia mid-20th Century architecture." The recipients tonight areVictor Cusack, James Delong, WA Sarmiento, and Edward Fickett. They'll alsohave a special tribute to the recently-deceased Robert Burman and an appearancefrom Harry Gesner to pick up the award he won last year. The awards are being given out at ModCom's holiday party at UCLA's FacultyCenter, which was designed by Austin, Field and Fry in 1959. According to apress release, "The Faculty Center is a rare example of residentialranch-style architecture applied to a civic building and is highly unusual fora university and public institution setting. The post-and-beam structure wasrecently a preservation issue, but is no longer threatened with demolition. TheConservancy is currently working on a California Register of HistoricalResources nomination for the building."

An LA Conservancy article on the Faculty Center is at

Thanks for Bette Billet who found the CurbedLA article.

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