
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Three Regents Meet with UCLA Students

The Daily Bruin online edition reported that last weekRegent Chair Lansing met with several UCLA students:

UC regents hearstudent input at UCLA after recent midyear budget cuts
JILLIAN BECK, 12/17/11

Members ofthe UC Board of Regents met with undergraduate and graduate student leaders at UCLA Fridaymorning to discuss ways to work directly with students, days after anothermulti-million dollar cut in state funding was dealt to the UC.  The visit fulfilled a promise Regent ChairSherry Lansing made at the Nov. 28 UC regents meeting. Lansing said she plannedto travel to each of the UC campuses and hear student input on universitydecisions. She visited the campus Friday along with Regent Monica Lozano andStudent Regent Alfredo Mireles Jr…

Fifteen students representing several groups attended the meeting,though none from Occupy UCLA, which had originallycalled for it to take place.  Lansing hadinitially offered three dates to Occupy UCLA protesters,all of which fell during winter break. Andrew Newton, a fourth-yearinternational development studies student and an organizer of Occupy UCLA, said thetiming did not accommodate student schedules. Members of Occupy UCLA opted outof the meeting in favor of holding one early winter quarter, when more studentswill be available.  …Lansing said shewanted to uphold her promise of visiting UCLA before theend of the calendar year. She and UCLA administratorshave pledged that a second meeting will take place in January with members ofOccupy UCLA.…

The meeting also coincided with this week’s announcement of a $100million “trigger” cut to the UC. During the meeting, UCLA student leaders asked the regents topublicly support a tax increase proposed by Brown.
If passed, the proposal wouldinstitute a temporary tax increase on high-income earners and increase salestax by about half a percent. The tax measure could generate about $7 billion inextra revenue for the state’s education and public safety programs.  Lansing said to student leaders that whileshe cannot speak for the entire board, she would be willing to take a publicstance in favor of the proposed initiative…

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