
Friday, December 9, 2011

Private Hotels List Concerns About UCLA Hotel/Conference Center

The trade association representing hotels on LA's Westside have been voicing concerns from the beginning about the proposed UCLA hotel/conference center. Yesterday, the association put its concerns in writing (fax actually). Obviously, the hotels are worried about loss of business from a publicly-financed hotel. They note the loss of tax receipts to the City of LA (and cc: local city councilman Paul Koretz).

As this blog has repeatedly noted, there is no available business plan for the revised hotel/conference center plan. The hotel owners point to this absence.

The UCLA Faculty Assn. has submitted a Public Documents Act request for the plan. So far, no plan has been produced - which likely means there isn't one, or at least there isn't a plan that's ready for prime time. As earlier blog posts have noted, the campus architect said at the scoping meeting on the hotel that the images shown on the website for the proposal are "conceptual," not actual.

You can read the hotel owners' letter/fax of concerns at:

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