
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

UCLA History: Sept. 1930 Extension Catalog

In earlier posts (scroll to bottom), we reproduced some UCExtension catalogs from the early 1930s from the LA area.  I have now located another catalog - this one from September 1930.
The Extension operation operated out of abuilding on 8th and Hill Street in downtown LA with sites forcourses scattered around the County and out to Ventura and Riverside.  Extension appears to have been run out ofBerkeley (UCLA was still the “Southern Branch” of UC and had just moved to itsWestwood location) but the UCLA provost was later represented on itscontrolling board.  He is not listed as of Sept. 1930, however.

Some academic courses offered might be credited toward a degree. Courses listed include Business and Protective Law for Women, MentalTests and Measurement, The Teaching of Subnormal Children, The Theory ofFlight, Television-Telephotography-Picture Broadcasting, and Tap Dancing. 

In the earlier posts, I indicated I had not found a pictureof 8th and Hill from that era. Now – see picture – we have one.  You can read the September 1930 catalog below.

Earlier posts on this blog of Extension catalogs from backin the day:

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