
Friday, January 13, 2012

Chancellor Block on KPCC Airtalk

Noshockers emerged from the KPCC Airtalk panel on higher ed yesterday that includedChancellor Block.  There was a fairamount of discussion of online courses and related items.  Chancellor Block spoke about the need tochange the “funding model” given the state cutbacks.  However, he used philanthropy, not tuition,as the example of the change.  Description and link below:
What is the future of highereducation in America? Is the four-year degree model with students living on ornear a campus, is the idea of creating a well-read, well-rounded cohort ofcritical thinkers perhaps outdated? Can the nation's colleges and universitiesprepare students for the competitive challenges of a global economy?
A distinguished panel of universityheads that represent the diversity of California’s higher educationinstitutions joins Larry Mantle to discuss. The event was sponsored byCommunity Advocates Inc. It was made possible by generous grants from the RighteousPersons Foundation and the California Wellness Foundation.
Chancellor Gene Block becamechancellor of UCLA in August 2007.
President C. Max Nikias has beenpresident of USC since 2010.
Chancellor Jack Scott ischancellor of the California Community Colleges.
President Laura Skandera Trombley is in hertenth year as president of Pitzer College.

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