
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Not Worth a Mention?

Gov. Brown delivered his “State of the State” speechyesterday.  Click below for thespeech.  Lots of topics arediscussed.  Higher ed, however, is notone of them.  An earlier post noted thatUC is like a flea on the back of an elephant when it comes to state budgetingand such.  That message was reinforcedyesterday.  But perhaps our absence willmake the governor’s heart grow fonder. Valentine’s Day is coming up after all.  Thegovernor did mention his public pension plan in the speech – which would sweepUC into a larger state change.  Withregard to that plan, however, we would rather be absent.

Part 1 of the Speech:

Part 2:

Update: With regard to pensions (mentioned in part 2 of the speech), presidential politics are beginning to creep into the issue

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