
Thursday, January 26, 2012

OMG! Whoops. Oh My Whatever-You-Are!

InsideHigher Ed pointed to this story:
"It'sno wonder President Obama wants every kid to go to college," said… formerPennsylvania senator (Santorum.) "The indoctrination that occurs inAmerican universities is one of the keys to the left holding and maintainingpower in America. And it is indoctrination. If it was the other way around, theACLU would be out there making sure that there wasn't one penny of governmentdollars going to colleges and universities, right?"
Hecontinued: "If they taught Judeo-Christian principles in those collegesand universities, they would be stripped of every dollar. If they teach radicalsecular ideology, they get all the government support that they can possiblygive them. Because you know 62 percent of children who enter college with afaith conviction leave without it."
Santorumwent on to encourage his audience not to "give money" to colleges anduniversities that he said are causing harm to the country.  "I'll bet you there are people in thisroom who give money to colleges and universities who are undermining the veryprinciples of our country every single day by indoctrinating kids withleft-wing ideology," he said. "And you continue to give to thesecolleges and universities. Let me have a suggestion: Stop it." …

Well, maybe some ofthese folks would like to donate:

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