
Monday, January 2, 2012

KPCC Radio Event on Higher Ed

A KPCC AirTalk Event: Higher Education – What Is ItsFuture?

Wednesday,Jan. 11, 2012
6:30 p.m. -8 p.m.
The CrawfordFamily Forum
474 SouthRaymond Avenue
Pasadena, CA91105

Rising tuitions, student unrest, and trimmed budgets ---what is the future of higher education? Join AirTalk’s Larry Mantle on Wednesday,January 11th as he hosts a distinguished panel of university heads representingCalifornia’s diverse higher education institutions.

Chancellor Gene Blockassumed the chief executive officer position at UCLA in 2007 and President C.L.Max Nikias was appointed president of USC last year, but has been a part of theUSC community since 1991. President Laura Skandera Trombley just completed hereighth year as president of Pitzer College and Chancellor Jack Scott wasunanimously selected as the 14th Chancellor of the California CommunityColleges on May 8, 2008. He assumed this position on January 1, 2009, aftercompleting his Senate term at the end of 2008.

Admission is FREE, but RSVP’sare required.  Click on link below:

6:00pm –Doors Open
6:30pm –Program (Light reception will follow)

Thanks to Bette Billet for passing this item along.  
Yours truly will be teaching and cannot attend.  
Possibly, some or all of the event will be broadcast.  

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