
Friday, January 27, 2012

UC-Davis in the Post-Pepper Era

Afterthe pepper spray incident at UC-Davis, the administration is apparently takinga hands-off attitude toward Occupy demonstrators.  From the student paper at Davis:

Blockades by Occupy UC Davis protesters haveled to speculation that U.S. Bank may leave the Memorial Union (MU) if protestspersist.  In the past week, protestershave blockaded the door to the bank eight times, according to a protester.These blockades have resulted in the early closure of the bank and involvementof campus police.  The closure of thebank could also mean the departure of funds for student activities.
“The occupiers claim theyare working for students, but they are actually disrupting funding for the sameservices they want to be improved,” said ASUCD Senator Justin Goss.  Occupy protesters assert that the presence ofU.S. Bank on campus is uniquely harmful because students may opt for theconvenience of obtaining a high-interest loan there, rather than shopelsewhere. Ultimately, the protesters say that they want the bank closed.  Critics like Goss have called that notion“ridiculous” and believe it is the student’s responsibility to find the bestloan…

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