
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lizette & - Reduced

Our Favvo band is going to release an album in February and today they released their second single, called "Reduced" with a sorta anxious message. DAAAMN its goood :D

I called Lizette up as she is a friend of mine, to share some with ya all.

Lizette Von Panajott interview

TOTD: Heeeey Lizette, This was a quite dark kinda video, I havent listen to the lyrics yet but what is it all about? I mean u are the most positive, happy person I know.

Lizette: Its about how u begin to lie and then lie a bit more and soon ure shut in a corner feel totally shitty and then sooner or later it all fucks up, and the only thing u did was lie. And that was a bit stupid u know, just that one can consider to be more honest. I really put down a thought behind the lyrics I write, think its important.

Lizette: I want to have a dialogue with people, to get their viewpoint on the matter and mayby they can think more about life and its turns.

TOTD: So when is this album coming, we are eager here!

Lizette: Talks with the manager and says, on the 22 of February.

TOTD: Ure last album was a bit softer than this album, what Ive heard its more tough and heavier. So how is the rest of “Just Smile”?

Lizette: This is a very straight forward/In ure face kinda album and harder than “This is”. Although the tune “Just Smile” is a ballad , but overall its a much harder album. I have very much variaty on the albums, I like that. This album is so damn good, and Im just soo damn proud of it. Then she laugh.

TOTD: Who writes the tunes?

Lizette: I am, then I present it to the guys and then they play it and sometimes they have some inputs on it sometimes not, if I like it , it’s a go.
If it interfer to much with my original thought, I ditch it (laughs)

TOTD: Did u write all the tunes on this album?

Lizette: All of em, except 2, “Have A Cigar” I wrote that with Dan Reed (from Dan Reed Project) and the cover “Head Like A Hole” Nine Inch Nails wrote that. I really like NIN.

TOTD: 2 (The guitarrist, “Ink” and guitar and keyboardist Markus) guys are new since “This Is” album, tell me about them.

Lizette: They stepped into these big shoes and are doing an awesome job. The thing is that we have so damn fun together!

TOTD: Okey Lizette, thank you for this! Anything u care to say to our readers?

Lizette: Yea, the "Reduced" single is on Itunes, buy it ! Looove you!!!!
And then we ended off ☺

This is the link to Itunes and their new single "Reduced"

Here are some pics that Stones took last year on em.

Dudettes and Dudes, Here is Lizette & !

Cheers, Thetania

Fotos are taken from their Homesite and taken by Sofia Lundberg and Stones.

spotifyListen to ”Lizette & - Reduced" on Spotify here!

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