
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

UC-Riverside Students Propose Tuition Alternative Based on Future Pay

From the Riverside Press-Enterprise,1/16/12.  As the excerpt below notes, theidea described has been around for awhile in various forms.  There would need to be a legally-bindingmechanism for verification of income and payback including for grads who left California.  And there could be variations in the formula used.   It will be interesting to see what UCOP andthe Regents have to say:
It tooknine months of late-night meetings, data crunching, calculations andconsultations by a small group of UC Riverside students to hammer out what theysay is an antidote to state cutbacks for higher education and tuition that hasnearly quadrupled in 10 years.  They callthemselves FixUC. Their manifesto is the UC Student Investment Proposal, whichcalls for eliminating the upfront costs of college and having working graduatespay 5 percent of their salary back to the system for 20 years…
Theproposal has caught the attention of UC honchos, primarily because it wasconceived by students, UC spokesman Steve Montiel said. Two UC vice presidentsare scheduled to meet with the group before the regents meeting…
A similaridea was raised in 2009 by UC Berkeley economist Robert Reich, a laborsecretary in the Clinton administration who was appointed to a UC commission toaddress state funding cuts…

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