
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Audio of Regents Meeting of January 19 (Day 2 of 2 days)

Unlike Day 1, there was ademonstration during the public comment session during Day 2.  The room was cleared by the police.  Subsequently the Regents continued themeeting but apparently could not exit. During Part 3 it was announced that the demonstrators had left the UC-Riversidebuilding in which the Regents were meeting.

There are remarks in therecord in Part 3 in which the governor is praised for giving UC permission touse general fund allocations for the pension system.  As noted previously on this blog, UC did notneed permission and so the governor’s action meant little.  Indeed, UC – not that long ago – was told bythe state that the state had no liability to the pension and that it was up toUC to fund it – presumably from general fund allocations.  What has changed, as readers of this blogwill know, is that the Legislative Analyst has gradually come to acknowledgethe need for the state to take some responsibility for the pension as it didbefore the two-decade contribution “holiday.” Unlike the governor, the Analyst did not insist that UC be put undersome statewide one-size-fits-all pension arrangement.

Part 1

8:30 am Committeeof the Whole - public comment [ends in demonstration]

Part 2 [dealt withoverview of UC-San Francisco]

8:50 am Committeeon Finance (open session)

11:00am Committeeon Educational Policy (open session)

Part 3

1:00 pm Board - opensession [discussion of whether Regents might endorse governor’s tax initiative;concern expressed about Cal Grants cuts]

Full agenda with backgroundmaterials is at:

Audio links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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