
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Governor's Pension Freeze for UC Deserves a Frosty Response

Excerpt from 2-21-12

Under the new budgetproposed by Gov. Brown, the annual state payment to CalPERS drops from $3.5billion this year to $3.1 billion in the new fiscal year.  The payment falls, at a time most pensioncosts are rising, because a $404 million payment to CalPERS for CaliforniaState University pensions is shifted from the state budget to CSU.  The change is part of a proposal that could freezestate support for CSU and UC pensions. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office said CSU would befaced with a potential burden “out of proportion” to its limited ability tocontrol future pension costs.  “For thisreason, we recommend that the Legislature reject the governor’s approach,” theanalyst said in a report this month…

As prior posts have noted, the governor proposes to give uspermission to use the general allocation to UC to pay for pensions – which issomething UC can do with or without his permission.  UCOP and the Regents seem to think it is goodpolitics to view his proposal as some kind of a breakthrough – which it isn’t,particularly because the governor still proposes to sweep UC into his statewidepension plan.

A better approach would be to give the plan afrosty response:

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