
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Second Coming of the Hotel/Conference Center Business Plan

Readers of this blog will know that the hotel/conference center business plan originally released when the structure was planned to replace the Faculty Center did not make sense.

Since then, although UCLA has released conceptual hints about the hotel design and plan, no actual plan has been produced.

Below is what appears to be the schedule for the second coming of the business plan and other elements of the proposal:   

March 27: Plan goesto the Regents for Budget Review.  So far, the business planis apparently still in preparation (!) and so it has not been released to the UCLA FacultyAssociation which made a Public Records Act request for it.  It will be releasedbefore the March 27 date - but when is unknown.  The project will use taxexempt financing.   That creates a barrier to commercialactivities.

Draft EnvironmentalImpact Report: late April. 

Public hearing:Mid-May

Final EnvironmentalImpact Report: late July or early August

Design Approval:Regents' September Meeting 

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