
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

UC Tuition: His Way or the Conway?

The photo shows Assembly Speaker John Pérez talking to GOPminority leader Connie Conway.  Given theexcerpt below from today’s online San Francisco Chronicle, let’s hope he isbeing super-persuasive.

California students from middle-income families wouldreceive massive breaks on tuition and fees at the state's colleges anduniversities under legislation Assembly Speaker John Pérez plans to introducetoday at the Capitol.  Under the plan,undergraduate students from families with household income of less than$150,000 would have their tuition and fees cut by two-thirds, bringing the costbelow what it was nearly a decade ago.  Itwould amount to a $4,000 annual savings for California State University studentsand just over $8,100 for students attending the University of California andwould take effect as soon as this fall. Both new students and current studentswould be eligible…

The speaker's office estimates the program would cost thestate about $1 billion per year, which would be raised by eliminating acorporate tax break that was approved in 2009 as part of budget negotiationsbetween Democrats and Republicans. That tax break allows corporations to choosethe cheaper of two formulas for calculating the taxes they owe…

Any change in the tax requires a two-thirds vote of the Legislature,which means at least two Republicans in each house must agree…

Actually, we have some audio of what Pérez is saying to Conway:

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