
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bargains at UC-Berkeley

Devra Breslow pointed me to this NY Times article on howUC-Berkeley sold a million dollar artwork for $150: (excerpt)

Everybody misplaces something sometime. But it is not easyfor the University of California, Berkeley, to explain how it lost a22-foot-long carved panel by a celebrated African-American sculptor, or how,three years ago, it mistakenly sold this work, valued at more than a milliondollars, for $150 plus tax.  Theuniversity’s embarrassing loss eventually enabled the Huntington Library, ArtCollections and Botanical Gardens, a large museum and research center in SanMarino, Calif., to acquire its first major work by an African-American artist.  The circuitous tale of Sargent Johnson’s hugeredwood relief involves error, chance and a partnership of unlikely art-worldfigures, including an art and furniture dealer who stumbled upon the panels atthe university’s surplus store; an antiques dealer who was on a first-namebasis with Michael Jackson and his chimp Bubbles; and a lawyer whose hobby isbuying lighthouses and who convinced the government that even though the artwas commissioned by the Works Progress Administration, it could still be soldpublicly…

It's only money:

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