
Sunday, February 19, 2012

UC-Berkeley Still Somewhat Occupied

Apparently, various “Occupy” demonstrations are still goingon at UC-Berkeley:

Protesters from OccupyOakland converged on UC Berkeley Saturday evening, the day after 18 Occupy Calprotesters were detained when their encampment was cleared from in front of DoeLibrary.  About 40 protesters fromOakland marched down Telegraph Avenue, eventually reaching the InternationalHouse on Piedmont Avenue at around 11 p.m. An “Occupy the Truth” conference isbeing held this weekend at International House, and protesters set up fivetents to show solidarity with the conference. House administration agreed tolet the encampment remain on the lawn overnight as long as the steps leading upto the entrance were kept clear for traffic, according to Shirley Spiller,chief financial officer for the house…

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