
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Audio of Meeting on Sale of UCLA Japanese Garden: 1-31-12

A hearing or meeting was held today at the Community MagnetSchool in Bel Air on the proposed sale of the Japanese Garden.  Representatives of the Carter family (theoriginal donor) were there.  HannahCarter’s son Jim was the spokesperson and strongly condemned the sale.  Also presented were histories and photographsof the garden.

UCLA was represented byBradley Erickson, Executive Director, Campus Service Enterprises. Almost all ofthe individuals in the audience were from the neighborhood and almost all wereopposed to the sale.

UPDATE: The Daily Bruin has a summary of the meeting at:

Audio of the meeting can be heard at the link below.  Some cellphone photos are below the link.

State Out of Cash?

You may see some headlines about the state running out of cash.  The state controller today sent a letter to the legislature supporting passage of a bill allowing for more internal borrowing.  What does this development mean?

As we have noted in past blog posts, in the current fiscal year and the past two years, in common English parlance the general fund of the state has been in rough balance, i.e., inflow = outflow.  But prior to that there were big deficits that ultimately left the state with a negative reserve in its general fund.

When the general fund has a negative reserve, borrowing from somewhere must occur.  It comes in two flavors: external borrowing from outside financial markets and internal borrowing from funds the state has outside the general fund.  There are many such funds. But the biggies are in transportation where the gas tax and other related revenue flows into earmarked funds for roads and other transportation activities.

Essentially, internal borrowing consists of the controller putting an IOU into these other funds and using the money for general fund purposes.  However, if you go too far in that direction, you begin to interfere with the functioning of the activities geared to the special funds.

Apart from the fact that we have ended recent fiscal years with negative reserves in the general fund, there are seasonal issues of timing since outflows and inflows from the general fund do not match within the fiscal year.  The controller wants the legislature to give him more authority to dip into special funds with IOUs. From the UC perspective, the fact that the controller is having cash management problems is just more evidence that we should not be looking for budgetary salvation from the state any time soon.

You can read his letter at

UPDATE: Just to drive home the point on the UC perspective, consider:

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Look Around

Its been a couple of days now, but Red Hot Chili Peppers released a new video, Look Around!
Track #6 on their 2011 album "Im With you", their 10th album.

Reminds me of a video by Queen done Yyears ago. :D

If u missed them they are Red Hot Chili Peppers an American funk rock band, formed 1983

Anthony Kiedis on lead vocals
Flea on bass, piano, trumpet, backing vocals
Chad Smithon drums, percussion
Josh Klinghoffer on guitar, keyboards, drums, percussion, six-string bass, banjo,
backing vocals.

This last guy, Josh were RHCP back up in 2007 and then 2009 he became a fulltime member of the band. (b4 2009 were John Frusciantethe the guitar guy.)

The band was named inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and will be inducted in April 2012.

More info @ Homesite

Lets see and hear it!

Hugs, Thetania

No Spotify on this one.

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UCLA History: Come and Park Wherever

A great photo in the new history book on UCLA, "UCLA: The First Century," shows the campus covered with cars (and no apparent parking structures) in 1956.  (See an earlier blog post on the book.)

By the way, President Obama will be back on the Westside Feb. 15, so your future commute that day may not be so free and easy.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Listen to Radio Program on Japanese Garden

At the link below, you can listen to Which Way LA? on KCRW which featured a program this evening on the UCLA JapaneseGarden.  Guests are Martha Groves of theLA Times, R. Michael Rich – research astronomer, and EVC Scott Waugh.  The program does not have anyone from theCarter family or background on the source of the original gift. It runs about 10 minutes at the beginning of the link below.

UCLA's position is that it would like to see the garden preserved but wants to sell it.  No guarantee is made, however, that the sale would be to some preservation group.

The lack of ready public access is given as the prime reason for the sale.

Shakira - Ojos Así

Heya all, Stones and I just moved to a new place yesterday, and pweeew it was a lot of thingies. Ive cursed his vinyl more than 10 times yesterday...aarh soo heavy,

So were practicaly livin with boxes and shit at the moment.
The kitchen and the bathrooms is ready thats it :P

I will take something short today, a tune that my doughter want me to play so I guess ill do that :D

Ladys and Gents here is a lady that i admire for her voice and look, and she is one of these ladys that can perform with no "Sexual flows" Its pure proffesional and happines :D love it.

Peace, Thetania

Shakira 2007

spotifyListen to ”Shakira - Ojos Así" on Spotify here!

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Imitation is Not Always Flattery

The LA Times today carries a story about the UCLA Anderson's School's use of the system for catching plagiarism in essays of applicants for the MBA program.  The system is more commonly used for checking reports written for class assignments by already-enrolled students.  Excerpt:

..."The more we can nip unethical behavior in the bud, the better," said Andrew Ainslie, a senior associate dean at UCLA Anderson. "It seems to us nobody ought to be able to buy their way into a business school."  In the school's first review of essays from potential MBA candidates this year, Turnitin found significant plagiarism — beyond borrowing a phrase here and there — in a dozen of the 870 applications, Ainslie said. All 12 were rejected...

Full article at,0,2954802.story

Faithful readers of this blog will note that Turnitin itself has a questionable practice of its own:

UPDATE: Anderson rejected 52 applicants for plagiarism.  See:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

UCLA History: Fundraising

The issues of the sale of the Japanese Garden and the construction of the hotel/conference center both point to fundraising and gifts to UCLA.  The recent history of UCLA - UCLA: The First Century - has a section on the early days of fundraising.  (See an earlier blog post on the book.)

In the book is the undated photo on the left of Dean Neil Jacoby of the business school promoting his idea of a building for the school.  The book, incidentally, incorrectly gives his dates as dean as 1948-73.  In fact, when yours truly arrived on campus in the summer of 1968, Jacoby was no longer dean although he remained a faculty member.  The deanship had been recently assumed by George Robbins and then later by Harold Williams, all before 1973.  (Jacoby managed, however, to be both dean and a member of President Eisenhower's Council of Economic Advisors simultaneously during his actual term as dean.)

In any event, Jacoby first went to the local business community in a fundraising effort for the new building. The private universities screamed about UCLA - which got state support - competing with them for private funds.  Various accords were reached over time - described in the book - limiting the ability of UC and UCLA to solicit private funds. In the end - not reported in the book - Jacoby went around the university bureaucracy that controlled priorities for capital projects and took his case for the building to the Regents. By the time I arrived in 1968, the structure had been built.  (It is now the Luskin School of Public Affairs.)

Of course, nowadays UC campuses fund raise at will.  However, one suspects that in the era when fundraising was restricted by the deals with the privates - gifts in kind - such as the Japanese Garden got around whatever constraints there were.

Jimi Hendrix - Red House

In the middle of the move, we throw out a Sunday Classics.

"Red House" is a song written by Jimi Hendrix and originally recorded by The Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1966. The song, a slow twelve-bar blues, "is one of the most traditional in sound and form of all his official recordings". It was developed during his pre-Experience days while Hendrix was performing in Greenwich Village and was inspired by earlier blues songs. Hendrix recorded several studio and live versions during his career; later, "Red House" has been recorded by a variety of blues and other artists.

Plektrum Art

The theme of "Red House" is "as old as the blues itself—the singer's woman doesn't love him any more and has moved". According to Noel Redding, Hendrix told him "the song was written about his old high school girlfriend Betty Jean Morgan", although her house was reportedly brown. It has been suggested that Linda Keith's (who brought Hendrix to the attention of Chas Chandler) friend's New York apartment with "the red velvet walls and decor influenced Jimi's writing". However, for Billy Cox "As far as I know, 'Red House' didn't have any significance in reference to a particular person, place or thing. It was just a blues number that Jimi put together".

Todays tune "Red House" by Jimi Hendrix, Live Stockholm 1969

More info @

Official Jimi Hendrix Web

spotifyListen to ”Jimi Hendrix - Red House" on Spotify here!

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Audio Recording Indicates that UC Needs to Talk With Legislative Leaders on Pensions

Yesterday’s State Worker blog of the Sacramento Bee carried a story about remarks by California StateSenate President Darrell Steinberg on public pensions.  It includes a link to a recording ofSteinberg’s remarks on pensions at a press conference of 1-26-2012.  Good luck with that link; the IT guy at theBee must have gone home for the weekend. Nevertheless, yours truly has come to the rescue and you can hear itwithout hassle by clicking on the link below.

There is a back story which state politicos will understand regardingSteinberg’s remarks.  Last year, thelegislature kept waiting for Gov. Brown to negotiate a deal with Republicans –which never happened.  When it becameclear it wouldn’t happen, the legislature slapped together a budget just beforethe June 15 deadline so its members would get paid.  (Voters had earlier approved a propositionthat cut off legislative pay if the budget deadline was not met.)  The governor then vetoed the budget and thestate controller said it wasn’t technically “balanced” and thus cut off pay fora few days until another budget was enacted. Reporters in the recording ask Steinberg if the legislature wants towait for Brown to come up with a specific legislative bill on pensions (asopposed to the general concepts he {Brown} has proposed).  Steinberg in effect says that the legislaturehas learned its lesson about waiting for Brown and this time will work on itsown.

Steinberg indicates that the legislature is willing tocontemplate Brown’s hybrid concept (mix of defined benefit and definedcontribution for new hires) but he also indicates he likes definedbenefit.  However, the details are notimportant at this point.  You can readthe Bee blog at more detail and listen to the recording. The main point is that if UCwants to carve out some kind of exemption for the changes in its pension system that theRegents already enacted in December 2010, UCOP and the Regents need to starttalking with Steinberg & Co. With some creativity, we can adjust the Regents’ plan to be a hybrid ifneeded, say, by adding a small defined contribution element along the lines ofwhat we had during the two-decade contribution “holiday” which got us intotrouble.

Bottom line: Thegovernor is not the only player.  Indeed,he may not be the key player on pensions; UCOP and the Regents need to engagethe legislative leaders.

Listen to therecording below:

Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues

This weekend moves Tune Of The Day for a new residents, so we will not do anything advanced in music way during this time, we hope that you guys have a full understanding about this, we will be back in full force at some point next week, during the time you get short posts with "a move" theme!

"Travelling Riverside Blues," sometimes called "Mudbone" or "Mud Bone," is a blues song written and recorded in Dallas, Texas by the bluesman Robert Johnson. Johnson's June 20, 1937.

The song is well known for the lyrics:

"I want you to squeeze my lemon
until the juice runs down my leg."

English rock band Led Zeppelin's version of this song was recorded at the BBC studios in Aeolian Hall on June 24, 1969. Jimmy Page dubbed extra guitar tracks onto the track (the main track being played on a 12-string electric guitar, possibly the same one used on the track "Thank You").

It is quite different from the original, and it is more a tribute to Robert Johnson than a straight cover.

"Travelling Riverside Blues" can be found on the Led Zeppelin BBC Sessions album, and on the expanded Coda album from The Complete Studio Recordings box set. A promotional video clip was also released in 1990, with outtake footage from the band's 1976 concert film, The Song Remains the Same inter-spliced with other footage from the band's archive. The clip also features a railroad montage, and underwater shots of the Mississippi River.

Todays tune "Travelling Riverside Blues" with Led Zeppelin

Todays bonus tune "Travelling Riverside Blues" with Robert Johnson (also the one that will be featuring on Tune Of The Days Spotify list)

More info @

Official Led Zeppelin Web
Official The Robert Johnson Blues Foundation

spotifyListen to ”Robert Johnson - Travelling Riverside Blues" on Spotify here!

spotifyFollow on Spotify here!

Friday, January 27, 2012

LA Councilman Koretz Opposes Sale of Japanese Garden

LA City Councilman Paul Koretz, whose district includes UCLA and the surrounding area, has written a letter to Chancellor Block opposing the sale of the Japanese Garden.

The letter is reproduced below.

By way of further historical background, the photo at the right appears in the new history book on UCLA, "UCLA: The First Century," in a section entitled "Artful Transformation" dealing with Chancellor Franklin Murphy's interest in campus beautification during his regime.  The caption to the photo reads in part:

Murphy had long wanted to acquire a Japanese garden in neighboring Bel-Air, and in 1965, it was donated to UCLA by Regent Edward Carter and his wife, Hannah.

Nachtmystium - Nightfall

Today I got a bit inspired to listen to a "Skull", what skull, you say, yes it is so that there is a blog, where an amazing artist "Slusk" who paints a "skull" of the week, and this week he has been extra good and painted three skulls.

The first skull is one of the band "Death In June" uses.

The second is from Agoraphobic Nosebleeds EP "A Clockwork Sodom."

The third skull is from Nachtmysiums Assassins: Black Meddle, Part 1, which also is a band that we pick today's tune.

Nachtmystium is an American psychedelic black metal band formed by Blake Judd, formerly known as Azentrius, and Pat McCormick. The band's name is derived from the German word Nacht meaning "night", and the made-up term mystium which resembles the Latin adjective mysticum. Judd and McCormick combined the words to create the band's name, which they state means "Encompassing Darkness."

Todays tune "Nightfall" is taken from the fifth full-length album "Addicts: Black Meddle, Pt. II"  It was released on June 8, 2010.

Todays clip is Live in Englewood, CO - Feb. 18th, 2011

A little story:

At the Georgia Scion Rock Fest on Saturday February 28, 2009, Nachtmystium was forced to cancel at the request of the festival's promoters, and sponsors, Toyota, on Tuesday February 23, 2008 due to an unnamed source, who believed the group was a "Nazi" band. Judd promptly released a statement after the incident, stating, "We will be taking legal action against the people who slandered us in this situation, and in the future will file defamation / slander charges against any person or organization who attempts to prevent us from performing anywhere, especially in the United States. So - let it be known loud and clear for the LAST TIME, we ARE NOT a Nazi band, ARE NOT political, are certainly NOT racists and DO NOT support that world or any band, person or business affiliated with it." He also apologized to Nachtmystium fans who traveled to the concert to support the band.

More info @

Official Nachtmystium Web
Official Nachtmystium Facebook

spotifyListen to ”Nachtmystium - Nightfall" on Spotify here!

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UC-Davis in the Post-Pepper Era

Afterthe pepper spray incident at UC-Davis, the administration is apparently takinga hands-off attitude toward Occupy demonstrators.  From the student paper at Davis:

Blockades by Occupy UC Davis protesters haveled to speculation that U.S. Bank may leave the Memorial Union (MU) if protestspersist.  In the past week, protestershave blockaded the door to the bank eight times, according to a protester.These blockades have resulted in the early closure of the bank and involvementof campus police.  The closure of thebank could also mean the departure of funds for student activities.
“The occupiers claim theyare working for students, but they are actually disrupting funding for the sameservices they want to be improved,” said ASUCD Senator Justin Goss.  Occupy protesters assert that the presence ofU.S. Bank on campus is uniquely harmful because students may opt for theconvenience of obtaining a high-interest loan there, rather than shopelsewhere. Ultimately, the protesters say that they want the bank closed.  Critics like Goss have called that notion“ridiculous” and believe it is the student’s responsibility to find the bestloan…

More on the Obama/Tuition Issue

As a prior blog post noted, President Obama's State of the Nation address earlier this week contained a threat to cut federal support to universities whose tuitions were rising. But it was not clear what exactly was involved.

Insider Higher Ed has a brief story - with a link to a NY Times iece and a link to a White House fact sheet about the proposal.  In fact, to the extent that the proposal is implemented - always a question given Congressional gridlock - UC and UCLA are likely to benefit.  Our tuition is rising but it is still low compared to the privates and many publics.  And we have a good record at this campus with low income student enrollment and support.  The issue is whether UC would be rewarded for relatively low tuition or penalized for percentage increases in tuition starting from a low base.  The tuition under consideration is not the sticker price - which is what gets aired at Regents meetings - but the net price after student aid from the university.

The Insider Higher Ed story is at

Below is (most of) the fact sheet:

For ImmediateRelease

January 27, 2012

FACT SHEET: PresidentObama’s Blueprint for Keeping College Affordable and Within Reach for AllAmericans

“Ofcourse, it’s not enough for us to increase student aid… States also need to dotheir part, by making higher education a higher priority in theirbudgets.   And colleges and universities have to do their part byworking to keep costs down.”
                                                                                               President Barack Obama
                                                                                               State of the Union, January 24, 2012

Inhis State of the Union address, President Obama laid out a blueprint for aneconomy that’s built to last – an economy built on American manufacturing,American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values.As an important part of keeping the American promise alive, the Presidentcalled for a comprehensive approach to tackling rising college costs.  Intoday’s global economy, a college education is no longer just a privilege forsome, but rather a prerequisite for all.  To reach a national goal ofleading the world with the highest share of college graduates by 2020, we mustmake college more affordable.

PresidentObama has emphasized the responsibility shared by the federal government,states, colleges, and universities to promote access and affordability inhigher education, by reining in college costs, providing value for Americanfamilies, and preparing students with a solid education to succeed in theircareers. Over the past three years, the Obama Administration has taken historic steps to help studentsafford college, including reforming our student aid system to become moreefficient and reliable and by expanding grant aid and college taxcredits. 

This year, President Obama is calling on Congress to advance new reforms that will promote shared responsibility toaddress the college affordability challenge. If these proposals are passed,this will be the first time in history that the federal government has tiedfederal campus aid to responsible campus tuition policies
President Obama will begin the third day of his post-State of the Uniontravels with an event at the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor,focusing on the importance of tackling rising college costs to ensure America’sstudentsand workers can obtain the education and training they need so that we have aworkforce prepared for the jobs of the 21st century.
Shared Responsibility toTackle Rising College Costs

Rewarding Schools thatKeep College Affordable

·        ThePresident’s proposal to reform student aid to keep tuition from spiraling toohigh and drive greater value will improve distribution of federal financial aid and increasecampus-based aid. This reform will reward colleges that are succeeding inmeeting the following principles:

1)     Settingresponsible tuition policy, offering relatively lower net tuition prices and/or restrainingtuition growth.
2)     Providinggood value to students and families, offering quality education and training that preparesgraduates to obtain employment and repay their loans.
3)     Servinglow-income students, enrolling and graduating relatively higher numbers ofPell-eligible students.

The campus-based aid that the federal government provides to collegesthrough Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), Perkins Loans, andWork Study isdistributed under an antiquated formula that rewards colleges for longevity inthe program and provides no incentive to keep tuition costs low. The President is proposing to change how those funds are distributed byimplementing an improved formula that shifts aid from schools with risingtuition to those acting responsibly, focused on setting responsible tuitionpolicy, providing good value in education, and ensuring that higher numbers oflow-income students complete their education. He is also proposing to increasethe amount of campus-based aid to $10 billion annually. The increase isprimarily driven by an expansion of loans in the federal Perkins program –which comes at no additional taxpayer cost.

Colleges that can show that they are providing students with good long-termvalue will be rewarded with additional dollars to help students attend. Thosethat show poor value, or who don't act responsibly in setting tuition,will receive less federal campus-based aid.  Students will receivethe greatest government grant and loan support at colleges where they arelikely to be best served, and little or no campus aid will flow to collegesthat fail to meet affordability and value standards.

Creating New Incentivesto Promote Affordability and Quality

·        The Raceto the Top: College Affordability and Completion will promote change instate systems of higher education. The President is proposing a program thatwould spur systemic state reforms to reduce costs for students and promotesuccess in our higher education system at public colleges. This $1 billioninvestment would incentivize states to:

o   Revamp the structure of state financing forhigher education.
o   Align entry and exit standards with K-12education and colleges to facilitate on-time completion.
o   Maintain adequate levels of funding forhigher education in order to address important long-term causes of cost growthat the public institutions that serve two-thirds of four-year college students.

The Race to the Top forCollege Affordability and Completion would incentivize governors and statelegislatures around the nation to act on spurring this innovative reform.Through cost-saving measures like redesigning courses and making better use ofeducation technology, institutions can keep costs down to provide greateraffordability for students.

·        TheFirst in the World competition will improve long-term productivity in higher education by investing$55 million to enable individual colleges (including Minority-ServingInstitutions) and nonprofit organizations to develop, validate, or scale upinnovative and effective strategies for boosting productivity and enhancingquality on campuses. This initiative would provide modest start-up funding forindividual colleges, including private colleges, for projects that could leadto longer-term and larger productivity improvements among colleges anduniversities – such as course redesign through the improved use of technology,early college preparation activities to lessen the need for remediation,competency-based approaches to gaining college credit, and other ideas aimed atspurring changes in the culture of higher education.

EmpoweringFamilies and Students to be Informed Consumers

·        New actionsto provide consumers with clearer information about college costs and qualitywill improve the decision-making process in higher education for Americanstudents and allow families to hold schools accountable for their tuition andoutcomes.  President Obama is proposing new tools to provide students andfamilies with information on higher education, presented in a comparable andeasy-to-understand format:

o   The Administration will create a CollegeScorecard for all degree-granting institutions making it easier forstudents and families to choose a college that is best suited to their needs,priced affordably, and consistent with their career and educationalgoals. 
o   We will also make an updated version of the‘Financial Aid Shopping Sheet,’ announced in October, a requiredtemplate for all colleges, rather than a voluntary tool, to make it easier forfamilies to compare college financial aid packages.
o   The President is also proposing to begin collectingearnings and employment information for colleges, so that studentscan have an even better sense of the post post-graduation outcomes they canexpect.

RedoublingFederal Support to Tackle College Costs

·        Ashighlighted by the President in his State of the Union address, we are callingon Congress to:

o   Keep student loaninterest rates low: This summer, the interest rates on subsidized Stafford studentloans are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8% – a significant burden at a time whenthe economy is still fragile and students are taking on increasing amounts ofdebt to earn a degree. The President is asking Congress to prevent that hikefrom taking place for a year to keep student debt down, a proposal that willkeep interest rates low for 7.4 million student loan borrowers and save theaverage student over a thousand dollars.
o   Double the number ofwork-study jobs available:  The President also proposes to double the number ofcareer-related work-study opportunities so that students are able to gainvaluable work-related experience while in school.
o   Maintain our commitmentto college affordability: Over 9 million students and families per year take advantage ofthe Obama Administration’s American Opportunity Tax Credit – supporting up to$10,000 over four years of college.  In his State of the Union address,the President called on Congress to make this tax credit permanent and preventit from expiring in 2012. 
Building on Progress

President Obama has worked throughout hisAdministration to expand access to college and provide greater resources andsupport so that more students graduate with the skills and knowledge they needto succeed in the workforce:

·        Helpingstudents and families pay for college: The Obama Administration has raised the maximum Pell Grant awardto $5,635 next year – a $905 increase since 2008.

Making collegeloans more affordable: The Obama Administration’s “Pay as You Earn” plan will enable 1.6million students to take advantage of a new option to cap student loanrepayments at 10% of monthly income as soon as this year. Borrowerslooking to determine whether or not income-based repayment is the right optionfor them should visit

UPDATE: NPR has a report at

UPDATE: President Yudof's response:

The University of California appreciates President Obama's focus on higher education and his efforts to assure that college is within reach for all Americans. We are pleased that the president is looking at ways to reward institutions that are doing a good job graduating more low-income students.

The University of California already has tuition that is highly redistributive: One third of every tuition dollar goes to financial aid, and more than half of our students pay no tuition. We have a strong record of providing high-quality education to students from families from a broad range of income levels, and we look forward to working with the Obama administration and Congress on these proposals as they move forward.

UC is proud of the robust state and institutional financial aid our enrolled students receive, and the university is continuously working to ensure that college costs remain low and affordable. Over the years, UC has cut costs and become significantly more efficient, while serving a historically high number of students. UC will continue to take actions to reduce costs and maintain its high quality and will work with the state of California to ensure a strong commitment to funding public higher education.

Shooting Arrows

The Daily Bruin carries a story today about possibleconstruction of an archery range on campus as a component of a large donation which is raising some ecology concerns. Apparently, the area currently contains California native plants and is usedin some coursework and has raised some faculty objections.  As pressures for fundraising ramp up –reflective of the larger university/state budget situation – these kinds of conflictsover university property and land use seem to keep cropping up.  Earlier - and still-current - examples involvethe hotel/conference center project and the proposed sale of the JapaneseGarden.

Just behind ParkingStructure 11 and the Hitch residential complex ­– on the northwest tip ofcampus – is a four-acre patch of land.  Knownas Sage Hill, UCLA geographers have designated the area as the only functioningecosystem of native Californian plants and animals on campus. Professors takestudents on official field trips to the area at least once a quarter, and usethe land to teach students how to take soil samples and biological inventories…  Discussions are currently underway regardingthe building of an archery range “somewhere along Veteran Avenue,” said BradErickson, executive director of UCLA Campus Service Enterprises. He added thatthese plans are still in a conceptual stage, and no formal planning process hasbegun.  University spokesman Phil Hamptonalso confirmed that the university is considering utilizing donated funds toprovide what he described as much-needed recreational space on the northwestside of campus…

Back in 1930, we had plenty of space for archery on campus.  But in our modern circumstances - with much less open space - one is reminded ofthe old Twilight Zone episode – “I Shot an Arrow in the Air.”  As it turned out in that story, where it came down provedunfortunate:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Regent Carter Background & the Japanese Garden Issue

Because of the Japanese Garden issue, blog readers might be interested in Regent Carter (at left in the 1966 photo above with UC President Clark Kerr at right giving presentation to Prince Philip).  Ultimately, the Japanese Garden was a gift of the Carter family.

Here are some excerpts and links:

From the HarvardBusiness School:
Carter developed thefirst suburban shopping center in 1947 in Los Angeles and popularized regionalchain stores. Carter started with three regional stores in Los Angeles in 1946,and by 1980, had grown that number to 47. Carter expanded the companynationally through acquisitions, such as the Weinstock stores, Neiman-Marcus,and Waldenbooks. When Carter took over the Broadway Company, annual sales were$30 million. By 1980, the chain under a new name, Carter Hawley Hale, was thenation’s fourth largest department store chain with sales of $2.4 billion.

In Los Angeles, thepresence in the community of a museum devoted entirely to art was little morethan a hope before 1945. Only in 1965 did a proper building, LACMA, open itsdoors to the public. The late Edward W. Carter was a successful businessman andphilanthropist, and an indefatigable promoter of cultural institutions in LosAngeles. It was Carter who negotiated with the County of Los Angeles for thenew museum’s site in Hancock Park, for the funds to maintain the new museum,and for the transfer of art from the museum’s parent institution, the LosAngeles Museum of History, Science, and Art. Carter was LACMA’s foundingpresident (1961–66) and trustee (1962–96). In these capacities, and as chairmanof LACMA’s board of trustees, Carter exercised profound influence on themuseum’s creation and evolution. In 1989, the year he was replaced as an activetrustee by his wife, Hannah Locke Carter, Edward Carter was named Honorary LifeTrustee.

From the New YorkTimes:

He was appointed tothe University of California's Board of Regents in 1952 by Gov. Earl Warren. Heserved for 36 years, helping guide the university through the student unrest inthe 1960's and advising it on financial matters and investments.

From the LA Times:
A Hollywood HighSchool graduate, Carter attended UCLA while working 40 hours a week atSilverwoods on Wilshire Boulevard, becoming in his own words "a damnedgood salesman." By 1932, he rang up about 25% of the store's sales.  Carter went on to Harvard Business School,where he received his master's degree cum laude in 1937.

Even before joiningthe Broadway Department Store as executive vice president in 1946, Carter waswell known in retailing circles. Besides his six years with Silverwoods, healso spent eight years at May Co., rising to the post of divisional merchandisemanager. In addition, he was an account manager with the Scudder, Stevens &Clark investment firm in Boston.  Carterbecame president of the three-store Broadway chain in 1947, taking charge of aconcern that he later said ranked "last among Los Angeles departmentstores in both size and in stature."
Within months, Carterbuilt one of the nation's first suburban shopping centers, the Crenshaw Center,on a former golf course. (The Baldwin Hills-Crenshaw Plaza sits there now.)During the boom years after World War II, Carter studied the freeway map andbuilt his stores accordingly.  To financehis ambitious expansion plans, Carter sold stock to Hale Bros. Stores of SanFrancisco in 1949, and the two chains merged in 1950 to become Broadway-HaleInc. As with all of Broadway's later acquisitions, the Hale operation retainedits name and management and was run as a separate division.  Other acquisitions followed with suchrespected names as Emporium Capwell, Neiman Marcus, Waldenbooks and BergdorfGoodman. Carter was considered well versed in consumer trends and an innovativemerchant who chose a decentralized approach to retailing that allowedBroadway-Hale's various chains to operate independently with substantialautonomy.

Dag Vag - Samma Sak

Today we show some respect to the Stig Vig who unfortunately has left us. Per Odeltorp or Stig Vig, born 19 November 1948 in Boden, died January 23, 2012, was a Swedish musician, singer and composer known as the frontman and bass player in trans-continental rock reggae band Dag Vag. As Stig Vig he mixed Ska and Reggae to Blues, punk, Prog and Popular movement with a pinch of Swedish cultural heritage as Elsa Beskow, Dan Andersson, Evert Taube and Thore Skogman.

The band was formed in 1977 under the name of Dag Vag & Svagsinta. The style of music was as punk as you could notice on their first two songs "Dimma" and "När vården slår till". The band with Stig Vig as the front leader, later shortened the name to Dag Vag and the music was now a mixture of different musical styles. The actual members would categorize their music as "Trans Continental Rock Reggae". Their first single under the name of Dag Vag contained the group's first hit, a reggae cover of Anita Lindblom's song "Sånt är livet".

This was followed by a number of albums of different character on the label Silence, often with world music at some of the tracks. A recording that became popular in wider circles was a cover of Thore Skogman and Lill-Babs duet Pop up the top from 1965. Dag Vag appeared with Gyllene Tider in the SVT´s Måndagsbörsen 1981 .The two bands closed the television program with Popitop, when Thore Skogman appeared as a surprise and sang with in the last verse.

1983 split Dag Vag, and Stig Vig and Zilverzurfarn started when the band Ojj!600 with guitarist Anders Åborg from Aston Reymers Rivaler and drummer Per Erik Gunnarsson Stenroth. Dag Vag resurfaced again at the end of the decade with the song You Will Never Enough. In 1999 came the next resurrection and the latest in 2004.

During their career, Dag Vag sold over 300,000 albums, won a Rockbjörnen, with a few gold records, danced naked on the roof, appeared in the movie Ebba Grön-movie "Ebba the Movie" and become Sweden's most famous rock reggae band.

In 2008 was their first five albums re-released as digipak with bonus tracks.

In 2011 did Dag Vag released their first EP epette. Then the band consisted of Stig Vig on vocals and bass; Tage Z Dirty on drums and vocals; Zilverzurfarn on guitar and vocals, and Teka Pukka on guitar and vocals.  Rest in peace Stig Vig!

Dag Vag Members
Per Odeltorp ("Stig Vig") - Bass, Vocals.
Lennart Odeltorp ("Tage Dirty) - Drums.
Per Westling ("Teka Pukk") - Guitar.
Johan Zachrisson ("Zilverzurfarn") - Guitar, Vocal.

Todays tune "Samma Sak" is a tune that Dag Vag did perform as the band "Zeg Deg" in the animated short film "HELVETE OCKSÅ" (1980) av Lennart Gustafsson. The tune is from the 3:rd album "Palsternacka" released 1980.

More info @

Official Dag Vag Web
Official Per Odeltorp Web

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